SAP training, e-learning and help documentation provided by experienced professionals who have extensive time using SAP in business.
Instructor Lead SAP Training
We create bespoke SAP training content based on the process and functional area required.
We also have the capacity to train existing material. Training existing material can significantly add value in a large corporate SAP implementation or enhancement.
Our training focus extends beyond SAP transactions to ensure that users understand the underlying business process. We also take care to ensure that users understand how the processes they are learning affect others in the process.
Specific user group training
In many cases, organisations find a particular functional group that is struggling with a component of the software. We can work one-on-one or in teams to establish where issues exist and apply training and coaching where required.
In cases where the problem extends beyond the software, we introduce process mapping and facilitation techniques to find the root-cause before training the solution.
We suggest reading our article 3 clues employees need SAP help.
SAP E-learning
E-learning can be an excellent method of training a large workforce on SAP. Using inbuilt dictation, available in some E-learning packages allows easy content modification as processes or policies change.
This approach also provides a practical way to train users across multiple languages. NFORM will work with existing E-learning systems, or we can suggest an E-learning platform for your business.
SAP User Help Documentation
High-quality user help documentation for SAP is essential to ensure that users have a reference to the transactions and processes they are required to perform. SAP user help documentation is easy to follow along while conducting transactions in the software. User help files also allow the user to work at their pace.
Training for SAP Implementations
For information related directly to SAP Implementations, you can also view our SAP Implementation Support page.
Where we work:
NFORM is based in Perth, Western Australia and provides SAP training to local users as well as across the APAC region.
To date, we have provided training in Perth, Singapore, Jakarta, Indonesia, Dubai, UAE (via online webinar), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Sydney.