The following Business Dashboard is fully working and fully interactive. The report is from the fictional World Wide Importers business which sells toys and novelties.
Some things to keep in mind as you are using the dashboard:
- There are six separate tables of data that feed the reports.
- There are approximately 600,000 rows of data.
The business report has the following pages:
- Historical Revenue and Orders
- Top Selling Products
- Customer Open Order backlog ageing and detail
How we suggest using the trial business dashboard:
- The report is best on a desktop, laptop or tablet. It can be seen on mobile phones in landscape mode. **
- It is important to click the expand button
so you can see the dashboard in all of its full-screen glory.
- Use the page selector tool
to move between the pages
- Play around, click on elements of the charts. Enter customers into the search boxes.
- Drill up and down through the charts using the drill buttons
** There is a separate approach for viewing mobile dashboards which dramatically improves viewing.